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Showing posts from September, 2013

GirlchildVoices Fiesta[100Thousand Poets for Change] 2013 Pre-Press Release

Girl child Voices Fiesta - Pre Press Release  by Mbizo Chirasha Introduction and Scope- the project is run   coinciding with the 100 Thousand  Poets for Change  founded by  Michael Rothenberg  Poet , Critic and Creative Projects Experts in United States. The project is run  in  more than 40 countries around  the world  including  Zimbabwe . Mbizo Chirasha is the Coordinator of this event in Zimbabwe through GirlchildCreativity Project. The Zimbabwean 100 Thousand Poets for Change is run as GirlchildVoices Fiesta in Zimbabwe every year 28th of September  every year. GirlchildCreativity Project was asked to be part of this program because they are working hard to develop ,motivate and inspire  young girls to define their voices  , find their space the creative , arts and literary prowess. The Young girls are identified in schools , dropouts  , children homes  and  other youthful communities the...

Defining GirlchildVoices through Artistic Fusion

Girl Child Voices Fiesta 2013 Programme Introduction and Scope- the project is run coinciding with the 100 Thousand Poets for Change founded by Michael Rothenberg Poet , Critic and Creative Projects Experts in United States. The project is run in more than 40 countries around the world including Zimbabwe . Mbizo Chirasha is the Coordinator of this event in Zimbabwe through GirlchildCre ativity Project. The Zimbabwean 100 Thousand Poets for Change is run as GirlchildVoices Fiesta in Zimbabwe every year 28th of September every year. GirlchildCreativity Project was asked to be part of this program because they are working hard to develop ,motivate and inspire young girls to define their voices , find their space the creative , arts and literary prowess. The Young girls are identified in schools , dropouts , children homes and other youthful communities they are mentored through artistic seminars , close up with their role models and performances prog...