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Showing posts from May 19, 2011

girl child notivational workshop coincides with day of african child/press release

The Girl Child Creativity and motivational project is a very serious project aiming at reducing girl and female underrepresentation in the development of literary arts , creative writing ,poetry and perfomances .The all female motivational workshop organizers are proud to host this event at  the Chiedza childcare centre on the 15th of june and the day coincide with the Day of African Child on which Africans  in Diaspora and home celebrate , children who perished in Soweto during  the uprisings, but with much interest is that the organizers of Girl Child creativity workshop are looking for progressive and futuristic atribbutes of how to empower the girlchild with creativity on this day , different organizations celebrate diferently on this important day.the uniquiness of this activity is that 25 female students will be workshoped by 4 female  New generation perfomances poets and writers in a 2day workshop , that will see them interogating issues of self identification...