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Showing posts from May 16, 2012

The Girl child Talent Festival 2012

The Girl child Talent Festival 2012 Introduction - Girl child Talent Festival is a festival that is born out of Girlchildcreativity Project whose main mission is to mitigate the underrepresentation of young female artists, writers in areas of talent identification ,perfuming arts, creativity, readership and literacy culture development. The Festival is to bring young female artists ,writers and actors from colleges , schools and youth community centres to be groomed, share their talents, integrate and exchange for purposes of talent development, identification, creative empowerment and the building of communities through art and creativity by girls. Background of GirlchildCreativity - Since its inception GirlchildCreativity have done a number of artistic and creative interventions in Bulawayo, Gweru, Hatcliffe , Chiedza Childcare Centre ,Hopely Farm Schools, it have conducted arts and writers mentorship workshops, GirlchildCreativity...