Mbizo Chirasha[Founder/Producer/Creative Director] Mbizo the BlackPoet is an internationally acclaimed perfomances poet/writer/live literature producer/creative projects consultant, he works as a poetry festival manager, creative interventions consultant, perfomances poet, public /media relations facilitator,poetry writer, poet/writer in residence,publications coordinator and compiler.The Poet is published in more than 62 journals, literary magazines, poetry anthologies, creative reviews and cultural research anthologies and thesis, in the States, Britain,Germany,India,South Africa,Norway ,Turkey ,Finland ,Iceland,Zimbabwe ,Namibia and also Ghana. He has CO-authored a poetry Anthology /Whispering Woes of Ganges and Zambezi with Sweta Vikram, indian bornpoet based inNew York,USA.Mbizo is the founder of Girl Child creativity project, a project that seek to mitigate the underrepresentation of younggirls in areas of creative enterprise, creative writing, perfomances art ,literacy de...
Girl child creativity is a project designed to
mitigate under-representation and unbalanced
participation of young female writers/poets
in areas of creative writing, literature,
literacy and poetry performance development.
It further enhances the ability of the girl
child to develop herself mentally - the motto
is: freedom of mental media air waves for
community development. A creative nation is a
developed nation.