GirlchildVoices Fiesta -100TPC 2013 Season Thursday the 4 th of October saw a delegation of highly talented young Zimbabweans. Kresiah Destiny Mkwazhi [ Photographer and Visual Artist], Mbizo Chirasha[ Coordinator and Project Curator ],Robson Shoes Lambada[ Prominent Young Poet , writer and Coordinator of Zimbabwe Poets for Human Rights ],Kudzai Mutiti[ Assistant Coordinator ] arriving at Vainona high school during mid day to meet their host Ms Synodia Masinyani the patron of the Writers Club at Vainiona and 12 female participants to take part in Photo –Poetry-Writing Skills and motivational workshops facilitated by Shoes Lambada and Kresiah Mkwazhi. Upon arrival Mbizo Chirasha narrated the important of the mission and the whole scope of the project. Shoes Lambada gave a classic lecture and presentation on issues that have to deal with poetry composition , aspects of poetry writing , cli...
Girl child creativity is a project designed to
mitigate under-representation and unbalanced
participation of young female writers/poets
in areas of creative writing, literature,
literacy and poetry performance development.
It further enhances the ability of the girl
child to develop herself mentally - the motto
is: freedom of mental media air waves for
community development. A creative nation is a
developed nation.