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Showing posts from October 4, 2013

DAY 2 Press and Public update- Vainona High School

GirlchildVoices Fiesta -100TPC 2013 Season Thursday the 4 th of October saw a delegation of highly talented young Zimbabweans. Kresiah Destiny Mkwazhi [ Photographer and Visual Artist], Mbizo Chirasha[ Coordinator and Project Curator ],Robson Shoes Lambada[ Prominent  Young Poet ,  writer and Coordinator of Zimbabwe Poets for Human Rights ],Kudzai Mutiti[ Assistant Coordinator ] arriving at Vainona high school  during mid day to meet their host Ms Synodia Masinyani  the patron of the Writers Club at Vainiona and  12 female participants  to take part in Photo –Poetry-Writing  Skills  and motivational workshops  facilitated by  Shoes Lambada and Kresiah Mkwazhi. Upon arrival Mbizo Chirasha narrated the important of the mission and the whole scope of the project. Shoes Lambada  gave a classic lecture and presentation on issues that have to deal with  poetry composition ,  aspects of poetry writing , cli...

Budiriro3 Primary School with Legendary Shona Writer Aoron Chiundura Moyo

Day 1 GirlChildVoices Fiesta  Activity Update Shona Literary legend , Novelist , Writer ,Poet  , Filmmaker and Dramatist Aaron Chiundura Moyo   opened  the   Girl child Voices Fiesta – 100TPC 2013 with a bang at Budiriro3 Primary school in the high density suburb of Harare ,Zimbabwe  today from 215 pm to 430 pm. The 2013 program is hive of activities with the theme Defining girlchildVoices through Artistic Fusion , shaping artistic skills and development girl child talent in schools and bring them for final day to celebrate what they created in workshops and receive certificates to motivate and inspire them horning their creativity. Chiundura opened his facilitation by saying “ndainzi Matanda  mufirim u ndabvez era” .He acted in1989 with the Great Ambuya Mlambo. He told    participating primary school children that the role of the writer, poet and actor is to expose community rot , corruption , child abuse and...