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Showing posts from June 23, 2011

Motivational poetry /writing workshops june 2011 winners

THE GIRL CHILD CREATIVITY MOTIVATIONALPOETRY WORKSHOPS AND POETRY WRITING WINNERS JUNE   2011   THE workshops were held at Chiedza child care centre the workshops culminated into a poetry writing competition that saw 10 young girls wining prizes ranging from textbooks , meals , cash courtesy of the , the New ambassador hotel , Muzvare Betty Makoni and the us embassy public affairs in Harare. THE WINNING YOUNG POETS ARE AS FOLLOWS Dephiny      Mavesere/mbare high school-14 years Poem title /CHANDO CHEGORERINO Hecho chando cghegorerino Chokwapaidzachembere Dzoita mbare mumakumbo nokudziya moto Ha-a chando chegore rino chakaoma Ko iyo svutugadzike Dzimwe chembere dzopisa zvizukuru Nokuda kwechando Pwere madzihwa kuyererera kunge mvura chaiyo Ha- a chadarireiko chando chegorerino Mhandara dzorara dzisina kugeza nokuda kwechando Chando ngachisadaro hama vadiwa Wadaririreiko chando? CHARLENE MASITARA/CHIEDZA CHILD CARE CENTRE/18 YEARS Poem title/HOPE Hope is a feel...


REPORT JUNE ACTIVITIES 2011 THE GIRL CHILD CREATIVITY JUNE ACTIVITIES/A JOURNEY OF MOTIVATION. The girl child creativity June activity was divided into 3 categories that included  the press and launch conference of the initiative , the motivational workshops and the food for thought seminar in the name of MOTIVATING GIRLS IN CREATIVITY. All these activities included a number of participants who have the passion in the development of girl child creativity. PRESS LAUNCH -the 9th of June 2011 saw the  launch of the   Girl child creativity to the Zimbabwean press that included , girl child activists  , artists , poets , writers and arts female reporters and presenters inclusive of Shamiso Yikoniko from the Sunday mail , nyasha musarara from Zbc , there was also Simbarashe Manhango from Alpha holdings , as wellas Trevor Makonyonga from Zimbojam.On the day Agnes Gudza , who is the Press point person was moderating the press/launch event  , while among the s...