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Showing posts from July, 2011

South Africa: Empowerment Organization Girlchildcreativity Grows By Martin Chemhere

By Martin Chemhere/Shout Africa media – Johannesburg: The young but vibrant creative empowerment project is realizing huge growth with local media buzz leading to unprecedented awareness around Harare city and many parts of the country. Form today until the first week of August, Girlchildcreativity ( ) will host a collaboration young females talent showcase and dinner in conjunction with the New Ambassador Hotel at the new hotel in Harare. Coming together are artists and students from 3 schools to participate in a performance for schools such as Hopely Farm, Premier College (Hatcliffe) and Chiedza Childcare centre from Mbare. Taking part are artists Elsa Kamsoda, Vasadza, Mutumwa Pavi, Amanandos Dance Group, Trybe Africa, Petina and Friends, Victor Moyo, Ruvimbo Mtasa, Doc Vikela. Another major promising event lined up is the Mind Blast Discussion at the Book Café , and a collaboration between the Book Café, Pamberi Trust and Girlchildcreativ...

South Africa: Empowerment Organization Girlchildcreativity Grows

By Martin Chemhere – Johannesburg: The young but vibrant creative empowerment project is realizing huge growth with local media buzz leading to unprecedented awareness around Harare city and many parts of the country. Form today until the first week of August, Girlchildcreativity ( ) will host a collaboration young females talent showcase and dinner in conjunction with the New Ambassador Hotel at the new hotel in Harare. Coming together are artists and students from 3 schools to participate in a performance for schools such as Hopely Farm, Premier College (Hatcliffe) and Chiedza Childcare centre from Mbare. Taking part are artists Elsa Kamsoda, Vasadza, Mutumwa Pavi, Amanandos Dance Group, Trybe Africa, Petina and Friends, Victor Moyo, Ruvimbo Mtasa, Doc Vikela. Another major promising event lined up is the Mind Blast Discussion at the Book Café , and a collaboration between the Book Café, Pamberi Trust and Girlchildcreativity. Speakers ...

Press Release/Girlchildcreativity week 4 of july to august week 1

The girlchildcreativity project is  a very young but vibrant project that have realized a bid and thunderous support from the press both print , ezines and electronic , the project have become a tslk of the city and the country. it also received vibrant support during its launch in June from the US embassy public affairs  thorough its head and staff  as well the New ambassador hotel through the GM, Garry Webbstock and the staff. Activities that really kick started idea were hosted by  both the public affairs in form of seminar ,motivating creativity in girls  on the 21st of June that saw schools from around the city sending girls to brainstorm on issues pertaining talent realization and self worth , the program was a collaboration between , Slum Cinema, Girlchildcreativity and Us PUBLIC Affairs. on the day of the African child , girlchildcreativity was hosted by chiedza childcrare centre in Ardibene near mbare for a workshop on creative motiva...