The Girl child Talent
Festival 2012

Introduction - Girl child Talent Festival is a festival that is born out of Girlchildcreativity Project whose main mission is to mitigate the underrepresentation of young female artists, writers in areas of talent identification ,perfuming arts, creativity, readership and literacy culture development. The Festival is to bring young female artists ,writers and actors from colleges , schools and youth community centres to be groomed, share their talents, integrate and exchange for purposes of talent development, identification, creative empowerment and the building of communities through art and creativity by girls.
Background of GirlchildCreativity - Since its inception GirlchildCreativity have done a number of artistic and creative interventions in Bulawayo, Gweru, Hatcliffe , Chiedza Childcare Centre ,Hopely Farm Schools, it have conducted arts and writers mentorship workshops, GirlchildCreativity Debates, Competitions, Talent Shows and Food for thought Discussions on Motivating GirlchildCreativity as well as Mini Festivals. The Project have worked with various artists and writers in Mentoring Young Girls. It have also worked with the Us Embassy Public Affairs Section in Harare, The Book Cafe, The New Ambassador Hotel, The Midlands State University and other local entities. The Project was covered extensively in the print and electronic media notable, Zbc, Herald, Sunday Mail, THE news DAY, Daily News and other digital networks, The Press Clips are attached to this document.
GirlchildTalent Festival Goals
- Grooming and identification of talent and creativity of girls
- Integrating and motivating girls in arts and creativity
- Bringing girls from different cultures to promote exchange
- Building communities through arts and creativity
- Balancing creative opportunities between males and females
Areas /Genres to be covered
- Poetry Performances/Story Writing/Poetry Writing
- Story Telling
- Theatre/acting
- Dance/Traditional
- Visual Arts/Photography
- Fundraising and Marketing
- Festival Team Building
- Mentorship Workshops- Murehwa, Wedza,Bulawayo ,Hatcliffe, Waterfalls ,Hopely,Gweru
- Integrated/ Combined girl child talent Seminar and Mind Blast Discussion in Harare
- University of Zimbabwe arts showcase afternoon
- Performing
Evenings Harare
- Fundraising with Government Department, Ministries, NGOs, Cooperates organisations by Festival Director Team
- Marketing tools including Brochures, Banners, small posters, social media and other outlets
- Logistics – arrangement of dates with Participants, Selection of Mentors and Consulting Services
- Mentorship workshops, working with genres i.e. Poets, Theatre Practioners, Musicians, Visual artists, Dancers
- Press Launch –
Press briefing with media, heads of participating teams, festival team,
sponsors and advisors before the Festival Commences
- Prizes in form of books and artefacts and incentives for motivation
- Certificates of Participation
- Video Documentary to be distributed to different child centres and schools
- Festival Performances
Budget Line -Fundraising Costs, Marketing Costs, Administration and Logistics Costs, Events Costs, Artists Costs, Transport Costs, Food Costs, Festival Team Costs.
Festival Period – The whole Festival will take 2months in both Logistics ,Marketing, Mentorship Workshops, Integrated Combined GirchildTalent in Residence Workshop/Seminar ,Press Interventions,Perfomances and Networking/Show Cases Program.
by Mbizo Chirasha/Creative Projects Specialist.
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