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DAY 2 Press and Public update- Vainona High School

GirlchildVoices Fiesta -100TPC 2013 Season

Thursday the 4th of October saw a delegation of highly talented young Zimbabweans. Kresiah Destiny Mkwazhi [ Photographer and Visual Artist], Mbizo Chirasha[ Coordinator and Project Curator],Robson Shoes Lambada[ Prominent  Young Poet ,  writer and Coordinator of Zimbabwe Poets for Human Rights],Kudzai Mutiti[Assistant Coordinator] arriving at Vainona high school  during mid day to meet their host Ms Synodia Masinyani  the patron of the Writers Club at Vainiona and  12 female participants  to take part in Photo –Poetry-Writing  Skills  and motivational workshops  facilitated by  Shoes Lambada and Kresiah Mkwazhi.

Upon arrival Mbizo Chirasha narrated the important of the mission and the whole scope of the project.

Shoes Lambada  gave a classic lecture and presentation on issues that have to deal with  poetry composition ,  aspects of poetry writing , clichés and basics on performance poetry .He ended his mesmerizing  lecture with his string  Shona Poem  Tariro Mwanasikana Tarira. Participants proved their satisfaction by participating fully   during the proceedings.

Kresiah   brought a very new participatory dimension in a photo graphy skills and motivational presentation. She narrated her journey in the arts industry and that she was happy to be studying Fine Arts at the National Gallery Arts School. She challenged students to    explain what they think photography is and why it is important.

The participants were given inspirational time and were taught practical in handling a camera and focus. Whilst writers concentrated on writing their poetry peaces to be coordinated with photographs for the exhibition on the 8th of October at the First Floor Gallery. So this will be a Photo poetry exhibition, poetry , story performances and testimonials  to be given as feedback of the creative ,fusion , skills  development and motivational  workshops.

The day ended with hope and results  of what was expected. The facilitators touched the souls and creative minds of children. It is important for writers, poets and artists to engage students regularly as extra -curriculum programs that will assist them to realize their potentials, shape the future of their talents and we create then a creative community.

The program was made possible by The American Embassy Public Affairs Section through small community grants Program
The First Floor Gallery for the Venue of a workshop and the official   event of the project.
GirlchildCreativity Project for Coordination, Producing and Administration
100 Thousand Poets for Change for facilitating a world platform and engaging Girlchildcreativity for programming
Schools – Vainona , Budiriro3 Primary School and Vision College in the City Centre for participating and organizing participants.

Mbizo Chirasha
Fiesta coordinator
Call +263 734 332 309
Girlchildcreativity Project


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