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Showing posts from August, 2011

The Role of Creativity in Developing the Girl Child by the Zimbabwean Newspaper

The Role of Creativity in Developing the Girl Child On August 24, Wednesday afternoon, the American Corner in Gweru will hold a Food For Thought Discussion on the topic “The Role of Creativity in Developing the Girl Child” in collaboration with the Girl Child Creativity (GCC) project. 23.08.11 08:09am 4 0 by The Zimbabwean Harare Email Facebook Twitter Print The GCC project and the US Embassy have collaborated on a number of events and this is a build up towards the strengthening of the relationship through taking the project far and wide so as to make greater impact in the life of the girl child. The GCC seeks to mitigate the underrepresentation of young girls in areas of creative enterprise as well as to develop talent, creativity, boost self worth, self identification and self definition using creative and artistic models. So far the project has launched four clusters in Harare and facilitated some workshops and discussions. Rumbidzai Marangwanda who is the GCC media re...

Girlchildcreativity august 2011 press release by Rumbidzai Marangwanda

reaGIRLCHILD CREATIVITY PRESS RELEASE AUGUST 2011 The GirlChild Creativity project is growing in leaps and bounds. A number of discoveries, programs and activities are being witnessed by our Zimbabwean community through its efforts. Since the launch of the project in June the organizers of this program have not turned their back on motivating girls through creativity. On the 19 th of August GirlChild Creativity is launching the Premier College cluster in Hatcliffe. In attendance will be diplomats, established artists, students and staff members from the college. The theme for the launch will be “Enriching Creativity in Our Communities”. The cluster manager will be Rebecca Simawo, a literature teacher at the college and the program will run from 9am-1pm. Next on the agenda is the GirlChild Creativity Food For Thought Seminar on 24 August taking place in Gweru. Its theme will be “The Role of Creativity in Developing Girls”. The speakers will be Mbizo Chirasha, founder of GirlChild Crea...

Girl ChildCreativity/Project Organizing/ Management Team

Mbizo Chirasha[Founder/Producer/Creative Director] Mbizo the BlackPoet is an internationally acclaimed perfomances poet/writer/live literature producer/creative projects consultant, he works as a poetry festival manager, creative interventions consultant, perfomances poet, public /media relations facilitator,poetry writer, poet/writer in residence,publications coordinator and compiler.The Poet is published in more than 62 journals, literary magazines, poetry anthologies, creative reviews and cultural research anthologies and thesis, in the States, Britain,Germany,India,South Africa,Norway ,Turkey ,Finland ,Iceland,Zimbabwe ,Namibia and also Ghana. He has CO-authored a poetry Anthology /Whispering Woes of Ganges and Zambezi with Sweta Vikram, indian bornpoet based inNew York,USA.Mbizo is the founder of Girl Child creativity project, a project that seek to mitigate the underrepresentation of younggirls in areas of creative enterprise, creative writing, perfomances art ,literacy de...