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Showing posts from September, 2011

Creativity Motivational Workshop 29th sept 2011 Organizers and Facilitators Profiles

Creativity Motivational Workshop 29th sept 2011 Organizers and Facilitators Profiles Mbizo Chirasha/ Faciltator on Writing skills and motivational interventions Mbizo the BlackPoet is an internationally acclaimed perfomances poet/writer/live literature producer/creative projects consultant, he works as a poetry festival manager, creative interventions consultant, perfomances poet, public /media relations facilitator,poetry writer, poet/writer in residence,publications coordinator and compiler.The Poet is published in more than 62 journals, literary magazines, poetry anthologies, creative reviews and cultural research anthologies and thesis, in the States, Britain,Germany,India,South Africa,Norway ,Turkey ,Finland ,Iceland,Zimbabwe ,Namibia and also Ghana. He has CO-authored a poetry Anthology /Whispering Woes of Ganges and Zambezi with Sweta Vikram, indian bornpoet based inNew York,USA.Mbizo is the founder of Girl Child creativity project, a project that seek to mitigate ...
Creativity motivational workshop/29 TH 0F September 2011 Organized by Girlchildcreativity project Thrust- creative social responsibility and community transformation through creativity/art. -the workshop participants will   be   work shopped on the   role of creativity and arts in empowering communities and also on how poetry and creativity can transform communities   from situations like hunger and poverty   . Participants will have a writer’s session that will see their workshop writings being published in a small book to also further continue developing literacy and readership culture. Case study - Verses against hunger/Somalia. The workshop also give a belated celebration of world poetry movement and 100 thousand poets for change held on the 24 th of September by the   whole world ,thanks to Michael Rothen burg 29 th of September Program /Mannenberg Harare , five avenue shopping centre at the Book café Time-   9am- 1pm/lunchti...

Girlchildcreativity october events //self defination month/press release by Mbizo Chirasha

Girlchildcreativity project is progressing and moving with vibrancy and effectiveness , towards the end of septmber 2011 , girlchildcreativity held a mindblast discussion  dubbed creativity as a humanright , that saw the poet Allen Chitsanzara /international law student presenting a paper on where creativity meet human rights ,  zimbabwe women Lawyers Association  gave an enlightening short presentation on how society need to uphold talent and creativity development.Girlchildcreativity director Mbizo Chirasha gave a insight on the greatest insight of creative mind and also entwined arts , education and  creativity and how society need to continue using creativity as social and community interventions. on the 29th september  we are having a creative social responsiblity writers/arts workshop , that will touch on  social issues like hunger  and poverty giving a case study of somalia, the workshop will bring 10-15 students from our clubs around ha...

Creativity as a Human Right /Artist Voices Discussion Poster


Verses against Hunger/POETRY FOR SOMALIA

Verses against Hunger/POETRY FOR SOMALIA Special project. Girl Child creativity Project will on the 29 of September hold a fringe special program ,Verses against Hunger /Somalia to bring the sense of creative social/community responsibility to 20 young female students from its clusters around Harare who have a talent in writing poetry. Timeline of the Event Sept/ October 2011 Introduction of the Event -girl child creativity is a project designed to mitigate the Underrepresentation of young female artists /writers in areas of Creative enterprise, performances poetry, literacy and readership Culture development and then Verses against Hunger/ Poetry For Somalia Project come in our Calendar as a special fringe project and arts in using creative social responsibility model through workshops, writing and reading with students in our Clusters Participation -[ 20 female students] -Hopely farm schoo...

GIRLCHILD CREATIVITY PRESS RELEASE September /octoberActivities 2011

GIRLCHILD CREATIVITY PRESS RELEASE September /octoberActivities 2011 With a good background of successful activities GirlChild Creativity continues to shine with a good line-up consisting of myriad activities that continue to strengthen and motivate the creative spark in girls and young female artists in Zimbabwe. The month of August ended on a high note with the last weeks full of life and activity. We saw the launch of the Hatcliffe cluster at Premier College and the attendance could only be described as mesmerizing. The students were eager to be part of the proceedings and gave long scintillating performances of their poetry. It was a joy to listen to the vibrating voices of music rising from both male and female students of the college. The male students were there to support their counterparts, the girls, in their art. In attendance were Premier College staff, including the headmaster Mr. Jon Motsi and our cluster manager at Premier College Ms Rebecca Simawo....