WRITERS PRIZE F OR COLLEGES LAUNCHED Mbizo Chirasha, Creative Director of Girl Child Creativity which is running the Urban Colleges Writers Prize in partnership with ILSA Mrs. Tambo, Principal of ILSA Girl Child Creativity, in partnership with a private college ILSA, has launched a Urban Colleges Writers Prize to identify, motivate and develop creative talent in schools, colleges and other academic institutions through a contest in essay and other literal writings. According to Mbizo Chirasha, Creative Director of Girl Child Creativity, about eight Harare colleges have so far confirmed their participation in the contest and attended the Familiarization Seminar held on March 1. Of these eight colleges, four managed to attend the Preparatory/Participatory Creative Writing and Orientation Workshop held on March 8 from 10am to 12.30pm at ILSA college, Harare, where rules and regulations of the Prize were u...