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My Enviroment ,Your Enviroment /Females Poets for Enviroment

My environment, Your Environment

Female Poets for Environment Program- Press Release.

We are society that is rapidly lacking respect to its environment, a people that is forgetting our responsibility in the preservation of our environment. We need to realise the impact we have in changing the way we use our land and our environment. We need to make more commitment to clean, conserve and protect our environment. We are a society of able boded and minded people who need to realise the importance of where we live. We need to close gullies, to recycle plastsics, to clean or drains, to go for green fuel and to stop cutting down trees and promote reforestation.

Our Commitment - is to see a change in the way we value and treat our surrounding, Girlchildcreativity is organising a team of wordsmith, writers, poets and other artists that we start to realise the need to use creativity, artistry, creative interventions in the mobilization environmental conservation. We see it necessary that we can build a better Zimbabwe, Africa and World if we start now to use such creativity models to change the minds of the people towards our environment . Our perception towards pollution, cleanness need to revisited.

Impact – My environment, Your environment project is result based and poets through their writings, performances and other medias send the message clearly and with the Impact.

Calendar and the Future 13thof October- My environment, Your Environment seminar of female poets and artists, getting an insight on how to write environmental poetry and art. 20th of October – Poets for Environment Performances Evening and supported by a Zimbabwean Female Artist /Hope Masike on the Female poets will be fundraising for the Tongogara High School Geo Club Weather and Sending message about the need to preserve our environment Participants-Barbara Vhengedza, Theresa Muteta, Kudakwashe Shambira, Privelege Mutendera, Sandra Taonameso, Peggie Shangwa, Mazvita Gwangwadza, Elspeth Chimedza, Chipo Musikanhu, Barbra Breeze, More blessings Size, Ammi Jamanda, Philis Tena, Hope Masike.

Long Term /Future of the idea - Poets for environment Prize - a contest that will pit poets in a competition for an award for the best poet of environment.

My Enviroment,Your Environment/ Female Poets For Environment

Seminar Program. Saturday 13th of October 2012-10-12
Time- 11am - Lunchtime
Venue – Book Café Tent, Samora Machel Avenue Opposite Nandos Samora
Draft Program.
1030-1100- arrival / Registration
11- 1105- welcome Remarks/ Introductions – Operations Assistant
1105- 1120 – Back Ground and the scope of the Program, GirlChildCreativity Director
1120- 1135 – Environmental intervention by an Environmentalist
1135- 1150- Another intervention
1150- 1210- impromptu writing on environment.
1210- 12 40- Discussions
1240 - LUNCHTIME - Snacks and departure.
RSVP Mbizo Chirasha,, 0734332309 Simbarashe 0736155195 Philis tena,, 0734084231


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