By Mbizo Chirasha
Introduction - Girlchildcreativity continues to bring motivation , arts inspirational activities to the people of Zimbabwe . We continue to develop girl child talent and creativity with various activities around the country. We feel the world can be better through promoting the girl child in quest for her literacy and creative endowment.
GirlchildVoices Fiesta for the 100 thousand poets for change and the celebration of girlchildcreativity through rhythm
The event took place on the 29th of September at the book cafe and was supported by Zim-gossip modelling and The Nigerian Embassy in Zimbabwe. The producer mbizo chirasha was excited to announce and curate a mix of talented artists that included poets,mbira , jazz ,traditional and Afro- fusion. Innocent Mupemba and group presented an exclusive show .Mupemba is a graduate of Pakare PAYE arts centre/KwaTUKU. Not be outdone were poets Umind , Gwangwadze ,Moreblessing Size ,Dvokal Poet ,So profound .Mbira music was represented by Jeslin Robin of the Taku Mafika music clan, Mbira dzavahera and not forgetting Sungura by Norrycea and Team . One unique outfit and presenting from Rudo Chasi with Afro –Jazz. The show was closed by a surprising jam session.

Audience – The audience of the day was a mixture of business people, artists, diplomats, media, university students more from Women University of Africa. The whole was mesmerizing because the audience was wonderful and following with more interest.
Pamberi Trust /Book Cafe - the cultural centre with a difference. The venue continues to offer platforms to the talented both upcoming and established. The Book Cafe remains our old and permanent friend since the inception of GirlChildCreativity Project.
Us Embassy Public Affairs - an all weather friend that have done a lot to the development of the project through Sharon Hudson Dean and her team. It is humbling that the Public Affairs provide a number of necessary things to the development of the project.
Nigerian Embassy – new partner of the Girl Child Creativity through the project Zimbabwe – Nigeria Literary Exchange which seeks to provide creative diplomacy between Nigeria and Zimbabwe and demystify the wrong perceptions on our continent . Minister Saleh of Nigerian Embassy in Zimbabwe proved to be a real cultural minister by understanding the projects undertaken by GirlchildCreativity and the Society of Nigerian Young Writers.
Zim gossip Modelling Agency - a strong beauty and grooming organisation led by Mercy Mushaninga, the Agency provided refreshments for the Media briefing.

Media - the Zimbabwean Media and the international have covered a lot of ground in providing the project visibility to the community that serves to inform people about our activities and their validity.
Funding – It always remains a critical issue though we have few friends who are offering their services and some resources but we think this noble idea requires a lot in terms of resources.
Volunteers - Kundai Archie Marunya and Simbarashe Gande are present volunteers in the project that helping in the programming of events .They deal with arts, media and operations within project and they have proved to be hardworking and serious in their work. We believe if we get resources they will do the best in developing GirlChildCreativity Project
Founder/Director - Mbizo Chirasha remains resolute in the development of the concept.
Future Events - Urban Colleges Writers Prize , Tirivanhu Mental Health Care Centre Arts extravaganza, GirlchildTalent Festival, Zim-Nigeria Literary Exchange groundbreaking ceremony.
All correspondence - Mbizo Chirasha
Founder/Creative Director - GirlChildcreativity Project
Curator/Producer - GirlChildVoices Fiesta
Coordinator - Zim/Nigeria Literary Exchange

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