-This Program is a pilot project of Girlchildcreativity.
In the developed world schools , training centres , institutions of higher learning organize programs suitable for talent search , development and sustainability of the creative industry. Literacy, readership and book culture development are necessary tools to build a creatively motivated country. Hence the creation of a wri...
-This Program is a pilot project of Girlchildcreativity.
In the developed world schools , training centres , institutions of higher learning organize programs suitable for talent search , development and sustainability of the creative industry. Literacy, readership and book culture development are necessary tools to build a creatively motivated country. Hence the creation of a wri...
ters prize in urban colleges is notable program to prepare innovative and creative professionals. Only a creative society is a developed society.
- The founder of this idea is an international performances poet/Writer/Creative Projects Specialist .Whose work is entirely published in more than 70 journals ,anthologies ,critical reviews around the world. The Expert is the founder of GirlChildCreativity Project 2011, The Young Writers Caravan 2003 , This is Africa Poetry Night 2006 ,The African Drums Poetry Festival 2007 ,Amateur Poetry Conference 2006, The Artist ,artist in residence Program 2007.The Expert work as a Creative Projects Specialist , Writer/Poet in Residence, Performances Poet , Writer ,Media Strategist .He is Published Poet with three published anthologies .
Urban Colleges Writers Prize Coordinator
Mazvvita Gwangwadza- graduate of Trust Academy , Versatile female spoken word artist. Perfomed at various interventions including the House of Hunger Poetry Slam ,Tirivanhu Therapeutic centre Music and Creative Arts Extravaganza , The World Mental Health Day Celebrations and the Sistaz OpenMic .She is a mesmerizing writer with a future.
- Urban colleges writers prize will be run firstly in Harare and then spread to other cities after the inaugural, The Prize will consider 4 categories that include Poetry , Short stories ,opinions/ Essays , Plays-Drama .Orientation workshops will be held with various college students , staff members and other stakeholders.
Main objective
Main objective
- to create a society of widely creative professionals in our country and to motivate our country on book and literacy culture development.
Participants/Targeted Colleges – private colleges , universities ,public colleges and learning centres.
Email contacts , ,
Inbox us on faceboook
Participants/Targeted Colleges – private colleges , universities ,public colleges and learning centres.
Email contacts , urbancollegeswritersprize@gmai
Inbox us on faceboook
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