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GirlchildVoices Fiesta[100Thousand Poets for Change] 2013 Pre-Press Release

Girl child Voices Fiesta - Pre Press Release  by Mbizo Chirasha

Introduction and Scope- the project is run   coinciding with the 100 Thousand  Poets for Change  founded by  Michael Rothenberg  Poet , Critic and Creative Projects Experts in United States. The project is run  in  more than 40 countries around  the world  including  Zimbabwe . Mbizo Chirasha is the Coordinator of this event in Zimbabwe through GirlchildCreativity Project. The Zimbabwean 100 Thousand Poets for Change is run as GirlchildVoices Fiesta in Zimbabwe every year 28th of September  every year.
GirlchildCreativity Project was asked to be part of this program because they are working hard to develop ,motivate and inspire  young girls to define their voices  , find their space the creative , arts and literary prowess. The Young girls are identified in schools , dropouts  , children homes  and  other youthful communities they are mentored through artistic seminars , close up  with their role models and performances programs, check ,  ,girlchildcreativity project on  face book  and girlchildcreativity photo stream on for more information and past events.

2013 Theme-
Defining Girl Child Voices through Artistic Fusion.

Main Objective -
  to make  young girls realize  their potentials and use  their  potential  to create  positive  space and voices for themselves and communities.
Target groups
- Young talented girls and boys  in Schools.

2013  Implementation Method-  3   orientative  ,   motivational  , identification and  skills development and inspirational  workshops will be held in 3 different schools that include  Morgan High , Vainiona High and  Budiriro3 and Glen View Primary schools- Mentors of this workshops will  include   a seasoned photographer,    a seasoned female   visual artist ,Mbira workshop  and   storyteller  and writer and these  seminars  will done  both in practice  and they are participatory and they will be under  a video shoot  to prepare a  visual  video mobile exhibition that will be shown on the last official day of the Voices Fiesta. Poems, photographs and artistic works will be selected for an  official exhibitions and recitals on the 8th of October 2013 . Such will coincide with   feedback seminar between students, media and guests to the final event.
The GirlChild Voices Fiesta[100 Thousand Poets for Change ] 2013t Programme
Harare ,Zimbabwe

02 October  - 2pm -4pm Budiriro 3 Primary  School
- Workshop  on story telling   and poetry Writing - by Aeron Chiundura Moyo- the facilitator will read his stories and poetry and  partake participants in a practical writing skills session.

03 October  -2pm -4pm- Vainona High School
 Photograpghy , writer s workshop- by Shoes Lambada [ Writing]and Cresha[Photograghy]- the faciltators will also pass writing skills and how you can fuse writings  and photograghy in a bide to create  photo poetry  and photo stories.

04 october- 2pm-4pm- Morgan High School
Visual Arts practical workshop  , Perfomancy  Poetry and Mbira-  Zanele Mutema , Mbizo Chirasha and a Mbira musician-  participants will be taken through a journey of visual arts   inspirational process , the  creativity  and resonance of Mbira music and your voice in perfomance poetry leading to a visual ,musical poetry exprience

08- October -530-730 pm-First Floor Gallery
 Grand Fiesta day-Small exhibition of poetry/visual works produced during wrkshops, story and poetry presentations by  participants and young guest poets, Dicussion forum/Press talk  by  organizers , faciltators and particiapants with Guests.

Faciliators , Team  and Motivating Artists in the Programme

 Karen magunda [20 yrs] - Guest of Honor on the Grand Fiesta

Young girl of 20 years pf age ,grew up in Mufakose .She finished high school at Roosevelt high
and she is first year student at Midlands State University. She is a song writer, choreographer and singer.She founded FAM in  2012 - a Foundation Arts Movement  mentoring ,promoting and marketing young artists.She destined for greater heights .

Mbizo Chirasha

- the Fiesta Curator and Coordinator/ Zimbabwe Producer of 100 Thousand for Change. He is  a perfoming poet , widely travelled , extensively published globally.He is the Founder of many literary and creativity intiatiatives in Zimbabwe . He is the Founder of GirlChildCreativity and its Creative Director.

Kudzai Mutiti

- Assistant  Fiesta Coordinator, a second year  social studies student at the University of Zimbabwe. She is endowed with  passion , maturity  and drive. She have also  worked with IIFF international Images Film Festival  2013 as a venue manager and discussant.

Tariro Kambasha-Grand Fiesta Presenter

a Young singer  of 21 years  with a dream to reach dizzy hieghts  , a singer of dancehall , presenter  and budding film maker as well as an advocate of GirlChild.

Aeron Chiundura Moyo- Writing and Story Facilitator
- Veteran broadcster , film maker , writer , faciltator with more 20 radio and TV plays under his belt . He is a widely published writer poet with 17 published novels  and plays. Many of his books  are being considered in the Zimbabwean Educational curriculum.

Zanele Mutema- Visual Arts Facilitator

- resilent upcomin visual artist , graduate of Visual arts from Harare Poly.She  produce inspring work of art. Her have graced a number  of Exhibitions in Europe and First Floor Gallery Harare.
Creasha- Photography Facilitator
- A student of Photography  at National Arts Gallery Visual Arts school.
the young girl possess vast dreams in developing  mesmerizing  art of photography.

Shoes Lambada- Poetry Writing Facilitator

Poet , writer ,organizer and Coordinator for the Zimbabwe Poets for Human Rights. Resident coordinator of SOLARNET international , advocate of  human rights. Recorded poet and well travelled poet , he was in Germany , India , South Africa , Senegal and more.

Synodia Masinyani- Vainona High Writers Club Teacher

She have passion of talent development, she leads the school into a deep  and creative artistic hub  hosting artists and writers. She  and her school participated in a number of Literary Events.

Jeff Warara- Morgan High Writers and Arts Teacher

he is an organizer of a number of women and girlchild programmes, a graduate of ethnomusicology from Midlands State University. He leads a very  inspirational club at Morgan High School.

Pamela Murambiwa-Budiriro3 Primary Librarian

- An avid  , a graduate of Library Science at Harare Poly, leading the reading club at Budiriro3 Primary school. She have attended a number of Literacy and Literary workshops ,seminars and conferences.She was part of the organizing team of the 2012 international schools libraries day.

First Floor Gallery- Venue Facilitators

strong artistic center that have showcased a number of exhibitions , official events and discussions . It have promoted a number of exchanges. Since they opened they conducted exchanges programs with American , Germany , Dutch and Italian Artists. This is fast growing cultural and artistic center.

United States Public Affairs Section- Grant Facilitator
Popular cultural  ,public ,media and educational  diplomacy and exchange  Section in the Embassy of America in Zimbabwe . Have hosted a lot of public diplomacy and education programmes. Developmental ,media and arts seminars. The section has organized a number of  visiting and developmental arts exchange. They have supported a number of innovative initiatives with Grants.

 -  First Floor  gallery  Harare for Space and other Marketing Logistics- Valerie Kabov and Marcus Gora ,Tariro Chingozho and Marcia  Bangure.
   American Embassy Public Affairs Section-Bonnardeaux, Jillian F (Harare)

Girl child Creativity Project- Organizers of the Activities and programming-Mbizo Chirasha
Mbizo Chirasha
Fiesta  Coordinator
Call + 263 734 332 309
Kudzai Mutiti/Assistant Coordinator
call +263 777895479
Facebook- GirlchildCreativity Project,Mbizo Chirasha
Google- girlchildcreativity project photostream.


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