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Showing posts from October, 2012

Your Enviroment, My Enviroment, Female Poets for Enviroment Report

Your Environment, My Enviroment, Female Poets for Environment Report REPORT TO THE PRODUCER OR POETS FOR ENVIRONMENT PROJECT SEMINAR HELD ON THE 13TH OF OCTOBER 2012   INTRODUCTION The aim of this report is to highlight the issues that were addressed during the seminar conducted on the 13th of October 2012 from11 am to 1pm. The report will encompass  three sections that  will be identified from A , B and C. Section  A will focus on  the programs’ general background ,section B will look at the goals of the  female  poets for the environment and section C will be based on the intended plan for the project.                                                       ...

The Poet/Writer in Library Concept

The Poet /Writer in the Library Concept. The Zimbabwe Library Association Mashonaland Branch is rapidly preparing for the International Schools Library Month in conjunction with National Library and Documentation Services to host a number of events around Harare for the promotion of reading culture and literacy development. Several meetings and interventions are being organised to prop up the whole concept that have to to with the importance of libraries in Schools and reading . On the 18 th of October 2012 the Zimla mashonaland Branch and other stakeholders are going to a district library event in Glen view where they will be a number activities and speeches marking the importance of literacy and libraries. The Chairperson of Zimbabwe Library Association Mashonaland Branch is working flat out for the library month to be a fruitful month that will bring another face of the readership culture in Zimbabwe Of note is that the celebr...

My Enviroment ,Your Enviroment /Females Poets for Enviroment

My environment, Your Environment Female Poets for Environment Program- Press Release. We are society that is rapidly lacking respect to its environment, a people that is forgetting our responsibility in the preservation of our environment. We need to realise the impact we have in changing the way we use our land and our environment. We need to make more commitment to clean, conserve and protect our environment. We are a society of able boded and minded people who need to realise the importance of where we live. We need to close gullies, to recycle plastsics, to clean or drains, to go for green fuel and to stop cutting down trees and promote reforestation. Our Commitment - is to see a change in the way we value and treat our surrounding, Girlchildcreativity is organising a team of wordsmith, writers, poets and other artists that we start to realise the need to use creativity, artistry, creative interventions in the mobilization ...

Tirivanhu Therapeutic Community Creativity and Arts Intervention Extravaganza

Tirivanhu Therapeutic Community Creativity and Arts Intervention Extravaganza INTENTIONS Girl child creativity is a community project directed by Mr Mbizo Chirasha whose aim is to bring motivation ,arts inspirational activities to the people of Zimbabwe as well as developing girl child talent and creativity .The aim of the outreach therefore is to engage into the following activities on the 24 th of October 2 012 as part of community outreach programme. SUMMARY OF PROGRAM Outreach will include students from University of Zimbabwe and Women's University in Africa, artists (including girl child artists), school children from the Ruwa community as well as other stakeholders involved. The clients from Tirivanhu Community are also expected to participate in the events done on the day. EXPECTED OUTCOMES FOR THE OUTREACH Enhance diversional therapy for the clients Reduce stereotypes that are there between the menta...

GirlChildVoicesFiesta/100 thousand Poets for Change 2012 Celeb

pictorial Galore. Else Chimedza - Perfoming Poetry at  Fiesta MoreBlessing Size - Reciting  girlchild Poetry GirlchildVoices Fiesta artists  pre perfomance meeting Jeslin Robin- Mbira Artist for the fiesta Fiesta Press briefing Fiesta Press Briefing Guest of Honor and Sponsor Fiesta  Director/Producer articulating issues at Press briefing. Fiesta Director  Mbizo Chirasha[right] and Fiesta Presenter Doc Vikela[left]   

Post Press Release GirlChildVoices Fiesta 2012 by Mbizo Chirasha

By Mbizo Chirasha Introduction - Girlchildcreativity continues to bring motivation , arts inspirational activities to the people of Zimbabwe . We continue to develop girl child talent and creativity with various activities around the country. We feel the world can be better through promoting the girl child in quest for her literacy and creative endowment. GirlchildVoices Fiesta for the 100 thousand poets for change and the celebration of girlchildcreativity through rhythm The event took place on the 29 th of September at the book cafe and was supported by Zim-gossip modelling and The Nigerian Embassy in Zimbabwe. The producer mbizo chirasha was excited to announce and curate a mix of talented artists that included poets,mbira , jazz ,traditional and Afro- fusion. Innocent Mupemba and group presented an exclusive show .Mupemba is a graduate of Pakare PAYE arts centre/KwaTUKU. Not be outdone were poets Umind , Gwangwadze ...